Monday, May 28, 2012

Excel Formula Auto Complete Feature

Auto Complete feature is a useful one that is a great help when you develop spreadsheets. Select the cell that you want to put the function and start with an equal sign "=" and the first letter of the function. Excel automatically opens up a drop-down list that show all the possible functions that begin with the letter you typed.  There is also a Screen Tip with a short explanation for the function.

You can use the arrow keys to select the function that you want to input and press Tab or double click to insert the function.

How to Create a Chart with a Dynamic Title in Excel 2010

Say you created a chart that tells something about your data visually. But you want your chart title to change when your data changes or you want your title to be assigned from a cell. In this post, we will go through how to create a dynamic chart title in Excel 2010.

1. Select the range of cells that you want to use in your chart. Go to Insert / Line / Line Chart. This will automatically use your data and create a line chart.

2. Select your chart and go to Chart Tools / Layout / Chart Title / Above Chart to add a title to your chart.

3. First select your chart and then your title and go to the formula bar and enter "=" equal sign and  address the cell that contains the title. This will change the title to the value of the cell you pointed. 

4. The output will look like the picture below.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

How to Convert Formulas to Values in Excel

Sometimes you want your cells to have just the values instead of the formulas. In this post, we will learn how to copy the values, remove formulas and paste just the values into cells. Here is how to convert formulas to their current values.

1. Select the range of cells consisting formulas that you want to copy the values from. 

2. Use the keyboard shortcut key ( CTRL + C ) or the copy button as you see in the picture below to copy the information.

3. Right click on the cells that you want to paste that information and select Paste / Special Values. 

Each of the formula you selected and pasted is replaced with the latest values. The cells will no longer be able to perform the equations